Friday, May 8, 2009

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Serves 6-8

This recipe really needs no introduction. What is there to say about cheesy, creamy, comforting goodness served piping hot in a bowl? Nothing. That’s what. (Sorry Vegans. I haven’t found a good alternative for this one yet. If any of you have any suggestions, please contact me!)

1 large yellow onion, chopped
1 head of garlic, cleaned and chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 stalks of celery, chopped
½ lb of potatoes (any color or variety works)
4-5 pounds of broccoli, chopped (stalks included please)
2 boxes of your favorite vegetable stock
a few glugs of whatever white wine you like to drink or have laying around
a few glugs of milk or cream (no skim please)
salt and pepper
dried thyme
¾ lb of your favorite cheese (I love provolone and cheddar but use what you like) shredded

Sauté the onion and garlic in some olive oil in a large soup pot. Once they are golden, add the carrots and celery. Cook for a few minutes, until the veggie get soft.

Throw in your potatoes and the broccoli. Add about a cup of stock and then put the lid on the pot. Let the potatoes and broccoli cook like this for about 10 minutes, or until they get soft.

Pour all of the veggies into a food processor. Process until everything gets smooth. You will probably need to pour in some more stock to get things moving in the machine. Use as much as you need.

Pour the puree back into the pot. Add stock until you like the consistency of the soup. Add more if you like thin soup and add less if you prefer it to be thick. Add a few glugs of wine and milk or cream as well.

Throw in a bunch of salt, pepper, and thyme to taste.

Add the shredded cheese and stir until it melts in the soup. TASTE IT! Continue to add seasonings until you like the way it tastes.

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