Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Roasted Breakfast Veggies

Serves 4-6

You can make an entire breakfast out of these roasted veggies. Serve them with some scrambled eggs on the side, or wrapped up in a tortilla with salsa, or covered in melted cheese. Below is the combination of vegetables I like to use, but feel free to omit, replace, or double up on any of them. Also, these veggies do not have to be reserved for breakfast time. Eat them with just about anything!

2 or 3 large sweet potatoes, chopped into large pieces
2 or 3 potatoes, chopped into large pieces
3 plantains, chopped into large pieces
1 large purple onion, chopped into large pieces
1 head of garlic, cleaned and cloves left intact
olive oil
salt & pepper
dried herbs of your choice (I love rosemary, thyme, and a little cayenne pepper)

Heat your oven to 400°.

When you chop the veggies, make sure all the pieces are about the same size so they all cook at the same time. The larger the piece, the longer it will take to cook.

Put the sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, plantains, onion, and garlic in a large bowl.

Drizzle some olive oil over the veggies (make sure you use enough to coat all the pieces).

Season the veggies with a ton of salt, pepper, and dried herbs. Mix everything together.

Put all the veggies on a greased or foil-lined cookie sheet. (The veggies should lie in one layer, with some space around each piece. If your veggies are in a pile, or they seem squished together, use two cookie sheets.)

Put the veggies in the oven until they look brown around the edges and are tender when you pierce them with a fork (30-40 minutes).

You can cook any vegetable this way. Just toss with oil and seasonings and pop them in the oven.

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