Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salad

Serves 4-6

Did you know that you can eat raw corn? Well you can, and it is delicious. This is a really refreshing summer side dish, best served with a hot and spicy meal.

4 ears of fresh corn
1 can of black beans
2 green onions, chopped
apple cider vinegar
3 or 4 limes
olive oil
salt and pepper

Cut the corn off of the cobs. (The best way to prevent the kernels from flying around your kitchen is to stand the cobs up in a large bowl while you cut off the kernels in a downward motion). Add the black beans and green onions. Mix.

Pour a few tablespoons of vinegar over the mixture. Zest and juice the limes over the mixture as well. Pour a few tablespoons of oil on top. Add some salt and pepper. Mix.

Taste it! Make sure you like the acidity/saltiness/sweetness of your dish. If not, adjust accordingly. It should taste tangy and refreshing, not too oily or salty.

Try adding chopped up cucumber, tomatoes, avocado, radishes, or jicama!

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