Monday, February 23, 2009

Roasted Pears with Blue Cheese and Balsamic Reduction

Serves 6-8

Who needs loads of sugary sweet confections when you can do like the French and indulge in gooey cheese and fruit after a meal? Not only is this dish sophisticated enough to impress your mother-in-law, but it is versatile too. If you serve this dish on a bed of arugula or mixed greens, you have an easy and elegant appetizer or cheese course for the most fabulous of dinner parties. If you serve the pears alone, drizzled with a touch of honey, I promise you will never reach for the Entenmann’s after a meal again.

3 cups of balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons of sugar or honey
4-5 ripe but not squishy pears
1 package (about 1 1/2 cups) of your favorite blue cheese (goat cheese can also be substituted for those less-inclined to eat visibly moldy food)
a few lemons
a few handfuls of walnuts or pecans
a few tablespoons of butter

Honey, dried cranberries, a bed of arugula or mixed greens

Begin by pouring all of the vinegar into a sauce pot. Turn the heat on medium-low, and cook until the vinegar reduces by half. This happens very slowly, so have a little patience. Also, vinegar tends to burn and boil over if it isn’t stirred, so I recommend whisking it occasionally to prevent this from happening.

While the vinegar reduces, heat your oven to 375°. Slice your pears in half, lengthwise, and use a spoon or a melon-baller to scoop out the seeds and the veiny part from the inside of each half. Lay each half in a glass baking dish, cut-side up. Squeeze on some lemon juice to prevent the pears from turning brown, and also for the great taste.

Stuff each cavity with some blue cheese. The amount you use really depends on your taste. If you love the stuff, have at it. If you aren’t sure, just use your best judgment. But I have to say, that there is something really sexy and appetizing about warm pears just out of the oven, dripping with melted blue cheese…

Melt a little butter in a small sauté pan over medium heat. Throw in the nuts of your choice and cook until they are just brown. Careful though, nuts burn very quickly. If you can smell them, they are done. Put the nuts to the side.

Once the balsamic has reduced to a syrupy consistency, pour about 3/4 it over the pears and blue cheese. There should be some vinegar at the bottom of the dish. Reserve the rest for later. Throw everything, uncovered, into the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the pears are soft and the cheese is melty.

For desert, serve the pears still hot from the oven with a drizzle of honey, some more balsamic, and maybe a sprinkling of dried cranberries and lemon zest. If you want to serve these before the meal, toss some arugula or mixed greens with the remaining balsamic and place the pears atop with some lemon zest.

You can absolutely prepare this dish in advance. Just prepare the balsamic reduction, pour it into a sealed jar, and stick it in the fridge. You can even stuff the pears ahead of time, but make sure you use plenty of lemon juice on them to prevent them from turning brown in the fridge.

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